When Heaven Invades Earth- Miracles, Signs and Wonders- God's Original Plan For Earth

By Tim Wray | Apr 05, 2016

When Heaven Invades Earth- Miracles, Signs and Wonders- God's Original Plan For Earth!


Father thy Kingdom come thy Will be done on earth even as in Heaven!

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I have come to see that the normal Christian life means miracles, spiritual intervention, and divine revelations. It means love, joy, peace and a sense of well-being and purpose. Written into the spiritual DNA of every believer is the appetite to experience encounters of Heavens glory invading Earth's situations.

The Holy Spirit, the very Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, lives within us, making it impossible for us to be content with what we can only see, hear, touch, taste and smell. Our hearts know there is much more to life than what we percevie with our natural senses. We are spiritually agitated by a lack of connection with the realm of God's Supernatural divine miracles, signs and wonders! Nothing satisfies the hearts of Christians like seeing earth's impossible circumstances and situations bow its knee to the wonderful name of Jesus! Anything less is living an abnormal Christian experience! We love Jesus's prayer! Father thy Kingdom come thy Will be done on earth even as in Heaven! We're praying for God's glorious miracles and wonders for our families, friends, and cities!

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Be Blessed

Tim Wray