To Those Longing For The Coming Of The Kingdom Of God Upon Earth- Daniel Chapter Two

By Tim Wray | Apr 14, 2018

To Those Longing For The Coming Of The Kingdom Of God Upon Earth!

The aweinspiring vision of Nebuchadnezzar did not end with the vision of the feet and toes of iron and clay. The greatest event of all was yet to come, for he saw a stone cut out of a mountain without hands which smote the image on its unsteady feet. The blow fell upon the feet because they represent the ruling power at the time of the end when these events take place and the vision is fulfilled. The moment that blow was struck by the stone from the mountain, the whole Babylonish system fell and crumbled to dust beneath its own weight. It became like the dust of a summer threshing floor and the wind blew it away. Then the little stone cut from a mountain itself became a great mountain and filled the whole earth (Dan. 2:35,4445). This, of course, is the beginning of the Kingdom of God which will eventually fill the whole earth!

God's own nation on earth must take up the scepter. This kingdom SHALL NEVER BE DESTROYED. "Never"' covers a long time. This kingdom of God "shall not be left to other people." The four preceding kingdoms were left to others. Babylon became a prey to MedoPersia, which in turn was seized and held by Greece, which in turn was left to Rome to subject and dominate. Rome has fallen into ten fragments which in turn shall be subjected to the kingdom of God. It is God's kingdom which must "break in pieces and CONSUME A-LL these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever!" (Dan. 2:44). Furthermore, this is no fiction or fairy tale: "the dream is certain and the interpretation thereof sure" (Dan. 2:45).