The living, breathing quickening word of God- Jesus is the living word of God.
Fifty-four years have passed since the revelation of sonship and the kingdom of God burst anew in glory and power upon a people apprehended to be the elect of God. Thousands upon thousands have heard the call to come apart with God and walk with Him in the high places of His Spirit, to experience His dealings, to learn obedience to His voice and submission to His will and ways, to partake of His mind and His nature, and grow up into the maturity of the fullness of Christ. Within ourselves we have seen growth, we have experienced change, we have passed on from glory to glory into the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord, we have partaken of the mind of Christ, we have sensed the increase of the life of sonship within, we have been taught of the Father, we have been tested and tried and have overcome many things, and have witnessed a maturity of the Christ coming forth in each member of God’s household of sons. I do know that God has a people walking the earth in this very hour, in whom Christ is formed! I am hearing a word from the Lord, and the word is this: GOD IS FINISHING HIS WORK! God is putting the finishing touches on the image and likeness of God in His apprehended ones!
Some time ago Joyce Morris sent out a message which bore a deep witness within my spirit. She said, "About two weeks ago we heard the Lord say very clearly, ‘THE STAGE IS SET!’ I said, ‘Father, what do you mean, the stage is set?’ God said, ‘I have a stage. And my stage is set. I’m getting ready to put my performers on that stage. Just as I appointed my first Son...I appointed my Son to come forth in a particular day, at a particular time. When that time came, I announced before man that This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. I am about to announce again — the many-membered corporate son. I am about to announce again, not just my first Son, but that my first Son is the Captain over these sons, in whom I am well pleased. Those who have been faithful unto the counsel of the Lord, and are walking in the obedience of Christ.’