By Tim Wray | Oct 26, 2016

What is the difference between the "LAW OF JUBILEE vs The LAW OF REDEMPTION!


Let me interject a foundational truth at this point. It is a truth seldom, if ever, heard among the people of God. The preachers and evangelists are totally ignorant of it, but it is fundamental to all our understanding of the works of God in this present age and in the ages to come. Few truths have come with more soul gripping force and power to my heart than the truth I now present. I will introduce this grand theme in the form of a question. What is the difference between Redemption and Jubilee? The first thought I want to bring is this: Redemption and Jubilee ACCOMPLISH THE SAME PURPOSE. The end of both is the same. God established the Year of Jubilee so that all who lost their inheritance during the previous fortynine year period, would be able to return to it during that Festival. When the trumpet sounded, on the tenth day of the seventh month of the fortyninth year, every man received his inheritance. NOBODY WAS ABLE TO STOP IT. Even though another had bought and paid for it, when the trumpet sounded, the first owner could again take his inheritance and have complete possession. No one could prevent him!

So, in the Year of Jubilee EVERYONE AGAIN received their inheritance. There were no restrictions, no conditions, no qualifications, for the trumpet's sound called ALL back to the inheritance they had once known. Now Redemption DOES EXACTLY THE SAME THING, ONLY IT DOES IT BEFORE THE YEAR OF JUBILEE. Let us say that a man loses his inheritance in the tenth year of that forty-nine year cycle. He may either sell it or just lose it. After a short time a redeemer, a near kinsman, comes to him to redeem it, to buy it back for him. Can we not see the relationship we enter into between ourselves and Jesus as redeemed and Redeemer? Thank God! He was not a stranger to us. He was our next of kin, one of our own kind. So it must be in order for Him to become our Redeemer. The law of Redemption demanded such a relationship.

So the nearkinsman comes to the one whose inheritance is lost and inquires the price of redemption. The redeemer says, "I have enough to redeem your inheritance. We will go and pay off the one who has it and you can have it back." The one who has bought the inheritance must receive the price of redemption, and vacate the property. The original inheritor then has the perfect and unhindered freedom to come again into his inheritance. HIS INHERITANCE HAS BEEN REDEEMED AND THUS HE DOES NOT HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL JUBILEE to regain his inheritance - he has it NOW! Let us use this illustration. A man who is forty-five loses his inheritance in the fifth year after Jubilee. By the next Jubilee the man's inheritance will not be of great value to him personally, for he will by that time be ninety years old. For that man to have to wait for his inheritance for forty-five years would give him time to starve to death many times over! BUT the redeemer comes and redeems the inheritance and the original owner immediately reenters his inheritance, GAINING ALL THE YEARS THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN LOST.

This, my beloved, IS WHAT JESUS HAS DONE FOR US. He has made it possible for us to receive our inheritance and enjoy it immediately. We have an inheritance reserved for us IN A HEAVENLY WAY OF LIFE, ON THE SPIRITUAL PLANE OF GOD'S OWN DIVINE NATURE AND GLORY AND POWER. Vast multitudes of Christians subscribe to the crude and unscriptural notion that they must die and travel some inestimable distance through the galaxies to receive their inheritance. But Redemption makes it possible to receive it right now, and through God's infinite and unbounded grace we are able to appropriate it this very day. REDEMPTION AND JUBILEE ACCOMPLISH THE SAME PURPOSE, THEY ARRIVE AT THE SAME END. The great and only difference is that Jubilee takes fifty years and REDEMPTION DOES IT N-O-W!