God's Rest, God's Divine Rest, God's Rest For Man, God's Rest Is Now Available For Man

By Tim Wray | Jan 19, 2016

God's Rest For Man Is Now Available! Matt 11:28... Come unto ME, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I'll give you REST!

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While man lives outside of God in his own little restricted world! The Lord is crying, Come Unto To Me and live my life in my unlimited finished work!

God's Rest is now available for every hungry soul who desires a deeper Relationship. Jesus came to provide a life filled with His Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Health, Power and glory.

Man outside of Jesus finds himself leaning unto his own wisdom and understanding. The Scripture revealing: there is a way that seems right in the eyes of man. But the end of that heavily traveled road leads to more unfulfeelment and frustration.

See God recreated man to fill him with his love and glory. Yes my friend we were created for relationship with our Heavenly Father. God's love, joy and peace are our inheritance in him.

His call unto us is, Come Unto To me my people and I will save you from you works, labor and sweat. Yes man is always trying to work hard enough and be good enough to earn God's favor and blessing.

When in reality Jesus has already paid the price for us to enjoy the Life that he has always wanted us to live. Completely leaning upon His leading, glory and might.

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