God's Promises To The Sons Of God
There is a wonderful act of God that transcends by far anything that has ever been known. It is the unveiling of the sons of God. Early in the opening verses of the Revelation we read that Christ "hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father" (Rev. 1:6). As the revelation progresses with the Christ always as the central figure, we next find Him standing in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks with a special message and call to the overcomers out of these various churches. It is significant to note that in the letters to the seven churches hardly one promise is made to the churches themselves — the promises are made to the overcomers! To the overcomer He says, "I will write upon him my new name; he will walk with me in white; I will grant him to sit with me in my throne." Thus, in the unveiling of Jesus Christ, we also come to the UNVEILING OF THE OVERCOMER — those who eat with Him of the tree of life, live with Him free from corruption and death, share with Him a new name, rule with Him over the nations and all things, walk with Him clothed upon with the dazzling brightness of the light of God’s glory, dwell with Him in the city and the temple of God, stand with Him on the pinnacle of mount Zion, come with Him to smite all nations with the irresistible sword of the living Word of God, and sit with Him upon the Father’s throne from whence He rules over all the vastnesses of infinity for evermore! And so, through the book, again and again, we see this many-splendored unveiling — THE SON and the sons, THE OVERCOMER and the overcomers, THE LAMB and those with Him on mount Zion, THE WORD and they that are with Him who are called, chosen, and faithful, THE KING and those who reign with Him, THE HIGH PRIEST clothed in the priestly garment and those who are in Him made a kingdom of priests unto God.
There is coming a day — and it is the next major event of God’s program of the ages — when all the glories of the Son of God will be revealed and manifested in the sons of God. As one has written, "Let us open our hearts that God may speak to us and show us what a son of God really is, for the greater works (Jn. 14:12) of which Jesus spoke are not to be performed by ordinary believers, but by that vast family of sons who are now nearing the hour of manifestation. They are that chosen company, selected from many ages, who through fires and furnaces of affliction have been brought into that same glorious image of Jesus Christ. These sons of God are like Him. They are exactly like Him. They are in His image (Rom. 8:29). They are in His image and after His likeness. They are so completely sons of God, and so completely like Him, so completely born of Him, so completely of His mind and will and purpose their one difference is that He (the blessed Jesus) is the eldest in that vast family of sons and they with Him are the bridegroom, the last Adam in all His completeness" — The Page.
With all emphasis I must declare that we are now hastening toward the hour of the long awaited unveiling of the sons of God! That is the word used in the Greek — "For the earnest expectation of the creation waiteth for the apokalupsis, the unveiling, the revelation of the sons of God!" (Rom. 8:19). For millennia creation has groaned under the thralldom of sin, sorrow and death, and who among us does not in some measure groan with it even now? But our heavenly Father had a purpose wonderful and glorious beyond words to express, for He in hope subjected creation to futility, condemned it to frustration, placed it under the yoke of sin, pain, and death. His hope was that out of this realm He would bring forth sons — tried, tested, proven sons — who out of the crucible of experience with all the negatives, would grow strong and bright and holy, overcoming all the darkness of this dread realm, to stand tall and victorious in the image and glory of their Father.