Divine Healing - God's Healing - God's Health - God's Healing Power by Tim Wray: http://timwrayonline.com
Contact me @ 336 561-2282 or timwrayonline@gmail.com
My Skype name is " timwray7 "
God's healing power is available for us today because of Jesus and his finished work!
Peter declared in 1 Peter 2:24! By His Strips We Are Healed!
Paul said: It is the Gospel that is the Power Of God unto Salvation!
So as we open our hearts and receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ we receive the power to Live in Divine Heal! The Gospel begins to work in us mighty to bring us into the Health Of Almighty God!
The Word of the Gospel of Divine Healing will began in us as the smallest seed in our heart! But it has inherent Power to grow, mature and develop until the Word becomes our greatest reality.
Just open your hearts and receive this Word of Divine Healing and it will swallow up your entire being! And you will find yourself overcome by the presence and glory of God's mighty Health!
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Divine Healing by Tim Wray